Must-have Features Of Modern Event Management System

By Anannya Sarker
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The way of organizing events is changing simultaneously because of modern event technology. For an event organizer, it is a complex process to do different types of work at a time. Hence online event management software is efficient for handling multiple tasks from managing guest lists to sending invitations to managing budgets, expenses, and revenue to doing post-event assessments. Modern event management software is the central location of all the event activities. Also, this is a cost-effective & time-saver for the organizations.

If you are planning to invest in event management software then here are 7 must-have features you should look for


7 Must-Have Features Of A Great Event Management System

Smart Event Registration or Ticketing Options

Online event registration or ticket selling is the basic feature, every software should have. It is necessary for modern event software to provide a straightforward & easy ticketing or online session registration process. Smart listing is a process where you can segment your leads according to the session you are going to conduct. It helps you to customize the event experience both for the organizers & attendees.

A smart registration system should be able to track hot leads as all the users are not intended to complete the whole registration process. When you can know the person +, with the help of retargeting campaigns you can easily encourage them to complete the process & make sure to attend the event. Alongside, ticket type is an option to leverage on the registration segment. As an example, you could have a basic option, VIP pass, all-access pass, etc.


Participants need to be check-in whether it is a virtual or onsite event. This is the first interaction of your event participants during the event with your brand. So, check-ins need to be paperless to speed up the event engagement process. A quick & paperless method is the ideal sign of a modern event ticketing system. In event software or in-app, the check-in process should be integrated with an event analytics tool to have real-time analytics for the event organizer.

Quick & Hassle-free payment Gateway

To secure your event ticketing system, you should allow your attendees to pay directly from the platform. It makes the process quick, hassle-free & most importantly trustworthy. Apart from this, if you allow participants around the world, you need to provide a multi-currency payment gateway. If you want to take event participants' experience seriously, you need to select a system that would seamlessly integrate multiple payment gateways to secure online payment for the event.

Plenty Of Promotional & Marketing Tools

The best online event management software will ensure your event’s marketing across all the possible channels. Modern event software has immense potential to promote & market your events easily whether via email marketing or social media marketing. Event platform integration with social media allows you directly share any information, reminders, or announcement to their social user base. Also, for email marketing, you will find custom email templates from the email marketing integration tools that will boost your email opening rate. So, select a system that provides a wide range of email customization options for your event registration, event updates & other activities.

Custom Branding or White Label Branding

For brand awareness, event branding is incredibly important. Of course, as an event owner, you don’t want to have event management software’s logo everywhere on the website & mobile app. Look for software, that will let your leverage your custom branding or provide a white label solution. From the event visual elements to event marketing content to social feeds everything should be seamlessly customizable by your brand name & logo. Another goal of white label branding is not to let your participant know that you are actually using any third-party software for your event activity. 

Digital Agenda

The event Agenda is considered the heart & soul of any event. The event agenda tells what is happening in your event & when is happening. Through the agenda, participants can easily be informed about the activities. So, it should be customizable, fill with multiple labels, and filters for search & support multiple tracks of the event workflows. An ideal event management system will always allow you to edit or customize your event agenda with drag & drop functionality.

Real-Time Analytics

To organize a successful event, you need to monitor the performance of the event activities. Event management software provides a centralized place to track & manage all the information related to an event. Modern business depends on analytics & it has a direct impact on decision making & it is no different in the event management sector. Real-time analytics helps you to measure if your event is successful, how conveniently you have spread your brand content & who is your userbase. Analytics will show you- total registration/ticket sales, revenue, website traffic increase during the event, conversion rates & so many stats. 

An online event management tool is the right companion for an event organizer. Selecting the right tool will affect your whole event positively. So, while searching for your best event management tools you know what features you should consider & whatnot.


How Can EvensPro Help You?

EvensPro is a feature-rich & leading Event ticketing and management system in Dubai, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar.  It will provide you with an extensive ticketing system through multiple ticket categories. Also, this online event management system enables you to organize events like single-day events, Multiple Day events, multiple-day events with multiple agendas, seat management, POS system & live statistics. Through powerful dashboards, the admin can seamlessly control the number of events with graphical views & live data analysis. One point is worth mentioning, you can customize pricing depending on your event needs.

If you are looking for a reliable, secure, and affordable online event management system, get EvensPro today!

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