Latest Trends in Event Management Software

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The time of manual planning and scrutinizing each and every small detail is long gone. Event management technologies have evolved significantly in recent years, and they are  no longer the well-coveted secret of large and international enterprises. For both SMEs and multinationals, access to these technologies has never been simpler. Companies are constantly updating their products and introducing new features to improve overall accuracy and effectiveness in the event organization process.

Event management is an ever-changing industry, and keeping up with emerging trends and technologies needs to be a top priority. Corporate and other event attendees now have higher expectations of event planners than they did ten years ago. But with the help of cutting-edge new technology, fulfilling these expectations doesn't have to be a difficult task.

Technology trends are taking over the events industry as we enter the two decades of the twenty-first century. In addition to improving attendee experiences, these technologies are simplifying the lives of event planners. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many event organizers are now forced to transform their live events into virtual or hybrid events . In addition to improving attendee experiences, these technologies are simplifying the lives of event planners. Many emerging event technologies have made these moves possible, and they will likely continue to exist long after this health crisis is over.

Here are some of the top event technology trends and what they might entail for your upcoming event:

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

The event technology trend brings a dose of coolness to your events and takes engagement to the next level by uniting the in-person and remote experience like never before.

Although AR and VR are not new technologies, they have found a growing audience in the virtual event space. With AR or VR, any savvy event professional can transform their virtual event, trade show, expo, or conference into a fully immersive  360-degree experience. Make an experience that speaks directly to the interests and desires of your target audience by utilizing the data you have gathered on attendance. The whole experience of attendees and exhibitors can be improved with the use of this technology.

Event planners can include VR headsets on-site to take attendees beyond the screen and into presentations with 360-degree video and interactive data visualizations, while digital attendees can simultaneously join the live experience, giving the impression that everyone’s together in the same room.

Vendors and exhibitors are increasingly using VR to differentiate themselves from the competition by offering incredibly immersive booth experiences. Attendees can stop by, put on a headset, and be immersed in a virtual world. 

Facial Recognition

Facial Recognition

Facial recognition technology is a software tool that tracks and logs a person’s facial traits. While this tech trend is far from perfect, it might significantly enhance your event. Face recognition, in particular, can speed up check-in and provide a contactless entrance to your event. Attendees who use face recognition won't have to wait in line for registration and wait while people search a list for a name or other relevant information. All they have to do is step up to be scanned, and then they are admitted.

Facial recognition allows for contactless registration, meaning this technology is only going to grow in popularity in the months and years ahead. It has some risks and drawbacks, despite the fact that it might be a wonderful feature. Aside from the racial bias present in the current iterations of this technology, people, in general, are becoming more concerned about their privacy and may be turned off by this option. If you plan to use facial recognition, it's a good idea to improve your cybersecurity so that identity thieves can't quickly access any personal information that is taken from participants.

Live Streaming

Live Streaming

Nowadays, live broadcasting is a common practice. Notably, event technology firms have improved their streaming services to support virtual events. It means your attendees will now expect the best-quality streams, especially those watching remotely. Consider a comprehensive solution that allows you to switch between virtual and hybrid events easily, sync multiple locations with your live audience, combine live and recorded video without disruption, and integrate your preferred streaming service.

Event planners have used live-streaming to deliver high-quality hybrid events.  Social media and event platforms can be used to provide content to people who couldn't attend the event in person while increasing brand awareness and messaging. The more people inquire about your live stream, the more curious people will be and the more likely they will buy tickets for any future event you plan. Streaming can be used in a traditional event venue, as well as giving accessibility to event-goers who may have difficulty attending live events. Consider installing screens and broadcasting crucial talks, demonstrations, or presentations if you run a big event in a big space. By doing this, you may increase the number of people who connect with the information presented at your event and help them make the most of their time there.

Contactless Check-in

Contactless Check-in

Even with events rapidly shifting back to in-person and hybrid in 2022,  it will take some time for certain professionals to feel at ease convening large gatherings once more. After all the ups and downs we've experienced, it makes sense. Utilizing contactless check-in software is one option which is much easier to implement than you might think.

Here’s how it works: The event technology vendor supplies the check-in kiosks, and attendees simply need to scan a QR code on their phones upon their arrival.The software sends the attendee’s badge to a nearby printer to facilitate easy badge pickup.

In addition to enhancing safety and health precautions, contactless check-in is also significantly simpler and quicker than conventional check-in procedures. That indicates that you can finally bid farewell to queues and bottlenecks.

Increased Gamification

Gamification offers the perfect opportunity to add some friendly competition to the event mix to drive engagement efforts and boost the fun. Gamification is one method for facilitating audience engagement and encouraging active participation and networking. Competition, reward, and short-term gratification are powerful  motivators. Host online quizzes between sessions or organize a scavenger hunt throughout the actual or virtual exhibition hall. Provide a live leaderboard so that people or teams can compare their performance to that of other attendees. To make it exciting, ask your event sponsors to offer some entertaining prize packages. Leading event management platforms often include a customizable game feature, allowing event organizers to design tasks —like answering trivia questions at the end of a session or visiting an exhibitor booth. By entering the corresponding codes into their event app, attendees can earn points. Just make sure to promote your leaders and provide some very incredible awards consistently.

Wearable Technology

Wearable Technology

Most event management platforms provide some level of event data and metrics, but the latest wearable event technologies go one step further and collect essential event data without interfering with the attendee or exhibitor experience.

Wearable technology typically takes the shape of a wristband or "smart" badge and secretly monitors various event metrics, including exhibitor hall and foot traffic. Using  the technology, organizers can monitor staffing and quickly make real-time changes to address bottlenecks. Additionally, it can assist event planners in determining the arrival times of keynote speakers and notable visitors, controlling access to VIP areas, keeping track of social distance, and measuring how long people remain engaged with exhibits or sessions

That concludes the 6 transformative event trends. The pandemic necessitated quick changes in the event industry, which is finding footing again by creating new value virtually. Event tech will likely continue to keep evolving in 2022 and beyond. And whether they happen online, offline, or in a hybrid model, events that value flexibility, prioritize safety, and emphasize meaning will likely become the norm.

How Can EvensPro Help You?

EvensPro is a feature-rich & leading online ticketing system & event management solution focusing on making event management activities convenient for the customers. It is a one-stop solution for your event solution. For smooth operation, there are dedicated sales, analytics & customer support modules. It will provide you with an extensive ticketing system through multiple ticket categories. Also, this online event management solution enables you to organize single-day events, Multiple Day events, multiple-day events with multiple agendas, seat management, POS system & live statistics. Through powerful dashboards, the admin can seamlessly control the number of events with graphical views & live data analysis. One point is worth mentioning; you can customize pricing depending on your event needs.

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